God’s Value of Money
“…Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” – Luke 12:15
In these days of economic slowdowns and job layoffs, it’s good to remember the value God places on “money.”
The poorest person in the world isn’t the one who’s gone bankrupt. They’re the one who is without God, and consequently without hope in the world.
Some years ago, the editors of “The Wall Street Journal,” made a powerful statement. They pointed out:
“Money is the article which may be used as a universal passport to everywhere, except heaven, and the universal provider of everything except… happiness.”
And, they’re right!
You see, as Christians our happiness is centered on our personal relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said it best…
“A person’s life doesn’t consist of the things which he possesses.”
Because, ultimately..
By: Vonette Bright
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